2-month old Dies 48 hours After 8 Vaccines: Owen’s Mom Speaks Out
Vaccine-induced deaths are being reported daily through social media as brave parents step forward to share their travesties, pain, guilt, and grief. What’s startling and unacceptable is that many of these vaccine related injuries and deaths are of healthy infants. In this case, a two-month old boy, Owen Matthew Stokes (August 18, 2017- October 25, 2017) — lost his precious life 48 hours after his routine vaccines. Owen’s mom, Jeanee Joubert, shares her painful experience and heart-crushing story:
“I wanted to share my story because my hope is that no one else has to experience the pain in my heart every single day. My son, Owen Matthew Stokes, passed away October 25, 2017. He was born August 18, 2017 and was just two months old. He was born at term and weighed 8.8 lbs. Owen was perfectly healthy in every way. He did not receive the Hepatitis B shot at birth. Even in my pro-vax mindset, I did not see the need at that time to give that to a newborn. He did receive Vitamin K at birth, but I didn’t know anything about Vitamin K at that time.
The day my son, Owen, was born, his father, Casey Stokes, proposed to me at the hospital. He had the nurse put a onesie on Owen that said, “Mommy will you marry my dada,” right after our skin to skin time was over. I remember thinking, “Why is she putting a onesie on my baby?” Thinking it was so weird because they usually put a shirt with buttons on the side, but also intrigued. From a previous marriage, I had my two girls and was in a place of unhappiness for a long time. That all changed when I met Casey, Owen’s dad. He loves my girls like they are his own and Owen connected us all. We became more than just two girls with a step-dad, but two girls with a brother who made us all a family.

Pictures of the moment he proposed. Tears of happiness, my reaction right after I read his onesie.
We did everything right with Owen. He was only breastfed, or bottle-fed breast milk while I was at work. He slept alone in his bassinet right next to our bed, never slept with blankets, and was always on his back. We researched the products we used on him. Every day when my girls got home from school I made them take a bath before they could be around their brother. Owen had zero breathing or respiratory issues. He had never been sick and had no existing health issues prior to receiving his vaccines.
Owen received multiple vaccines just 48 hours prior to his passing. He was given a combination of eight different vaccines, which is the norm for a two month old. The first day after his vaccines he was very tired and lethargic, didn’t seem himself. The second day, which is the day he passed away, he was in the care of his grandmother while I was at work. He would not take a bottle, and was inconsolable. He was tired, but couldn’t sleep because he was in such pain.
His grandmother thought that he was just having really bad gas. She finally got him down for a nap for the first time that day, sometime after 2 p.m., but Owen never woke up. She went to check on him about 30 minutes later and noticed he was blue, but he still felt warm to the touch. She called me while I was in the car on my way home from work. Owen’s father was also in the car with me and called 911. I tried my best to walk her through CPR because I work in the medical field and I am certified. I was about ten minutes away from home. By the time I got there, he was in the ambulance, but he did not make it. My little boy died and I wasn’t there.
The next time I got to hold Owen, he was lifeless in my arms. And he didn’t go peacefully in his sleep; he suffered. But yet we were told he died from Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). I did not know what had been going on with him that whole day or that he wouldn’t eat. His grandmother truly believed that his tummy was just hurting and he had gas that just needed to pass.
We did everything right for him, except vaccines. And it’s been so hard knowing we could do so many things to help other kids in our professions, but there was nothing we could do for Owen once the damage was done. We couldn’t save him. Every day is a struggle for us. Our girls keep us going every single day.
If you have children, there will be a time in your life when you worry and you’ll have that scared to death feeling, when they fall and hit their head, when they choke on something. Imagine having that feeling and it never going away because the worst possible outcome — happened. I know that feeling and it’s by far the worst thing you could ever imagine. It’s such a helpless feeling.
This is not my opinion on vaccines; it’s just my story. Do your own research before you make choices for your children. Realize it’s you and no one else that protects them from this world. I wish I had done so many things differently. I will no longer vaccinate my other children. My hope is that someone can learn from my story, if even just one person, and they can make better decisions than I did. That their child will not have to suffer, and they may not have to feel the pain our whole family has to feel every single day.”
Jeanee disclosed that a Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) report was filed by Owen’s pediatrician. “The pediatrician did not verify, but did say that it could have been a possibility he passed away from an adverse reaction to vaccines, which is why she filed the VAERS report. When I said it was classified as Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) that is because the autopsy conclusion was SIDS. But we are looking into having an independent pathologist to do further testing.” Jeanee and Casey are in the process of filing a claim through the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP).
When asked if she had a support system, Jeanee shared, “Yes, I’ve talked to people from all over the country, even outside of the country who have reached out to me with similar stories or other issues involving vaccines. A few people I knew reached out to me in my area that know and believe the same things I do, and that vaccines are what led to Owen’s passing.”
Since eight vaccines were administered to Owen at his two month visit, it’s not clear which vaccine or the combination of all the vaccines caused his death. However, building evidence indicates a link between the Dtap Vaccine and SIDS cited in this published study titled, “Possible temporal association between diphtheria-tetanus toxoid-pertussis vaccination and sudden infant death syndrome.” In another study, the DTP Vaccine is associated with a 212% increased infant mortality rate. The DTP Vaccine severely damaged a four-month old for life in a story our website reported in 2016. An article from August 2017, courtesy of Health Freedom Idaho, “Court Rules Vaccines Contribute to and Cause SIDS,” explores this connection further.
Several years ago, National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) Advocacy Director, Dawn Richardson and Karen Schumacher went to the Travis County Morgue to go through autopsy reports of infants listed as SIDS deaths and looked at vaccination information. Perhaps another missing link to understanding SIDS?
Here were two of their observations:
1) A highly disproportionate amount of SIDS deaths clustered at 2, 4, and 6 months — which are the very times infants are vaccinated. If vaccines had nothing to do with these, the numbers should have been randomly spread throughout the first 6 months of life. Not so. I challenge the naysayers to go to any morgue in the country and to be honest and see what I’m talking about.
2) It was shocking at how rare it was for the vaccine information to be recorded and how little investigating into the cause of death of these babies was actually done. It floored me that the when the vaccine information was even mentioned, it was often so incomplete. Medical examiners routinely missed asking for this indispensable information and failed to note the correlation of the date when the child died to even raise the question.
Death caused by vaccines is not rare, an anecdote, an isolated incident, or a “one in a million” occurrence. Babies are dying and this is becoming all too common and too much of the norm for infants and young children. Is death as a result of vaccines being passed off as SIDS or dismissed as other issues? More research is warranted.
What is known is the US has a high infant mortality rate for an industrialized nation, and as a collective, we need to investigate why. As of 2017, out of 225 countries around the world, the US ranks 56th for infant mortality. Monaco, Japan, Iceland, Singapore, Norway, Finland, Bermuda, Sweden, Czechia, Hong Kong, and South Korea have the lowest infant mortality rates of the 225 countries listed.
While there are certainly many factors that influence and contribute to infant death, it’s time to reevaluate not only the amount of vaccines infants are given on day one of life, but also the toxic cocktail of multiple vaccines given at “well baby visits.” No safety studies have ever been done on the combination of vaccinations given to children recommended by the CDC. Let me say this again. No one has tested the safety of the compounding ingredients given across 70 doses of 16 vaccines. Different vaccines are also given simultaneously during the same office visit – this hasn’t been tested for safety either! It’s not just death that is of concern, but the growing number of vaccine related adverse reactions, severe vaccine injuries, and a host of other chronic conditions that are rampant in our children.
According to the Journal Academic Pediatrics, “54% of children in the US experience one or more chronic health conditions,” or a neurodevelopmental disorder. Vaccines are not, and will never be a one size fits all solution for every child. Yet, this is the US’s current childhood vaccination schedule from birth-18 years of age from the CDC.
Given the traumatic experiences of parents, the mounting evidence, the cascading research and studies that show the dangers of vaccines, how can we turn a blind eye and propagate the insanity? How can we continue to ignore the elephant in the room? Yes, there are organizations and advocacy groups, parents, health professionals, lawyers, and leaders, calling for justice and raising awareness. There are incredible doctors educating their peers and patients about the stark reality of the risks, dangers, and damage vaccines can cause. There is momentum, but more must be done. More of us must voice our concerns – loudly and often. We must continue our courageous advocacy efforts as a tribute to the children that died, and on behalf of the future of our children’s health and longevity.
As a health advocate and a mom of two healthy children, it enrages me to continually hear of how many friends and fellow moms and dads are being traumatized; how many families are destroyed by the wake of persistent vaccine damage and carnage. This is murder, a holocaust on our children. Thousands of children are suffering. Thousands of children are dying from vaccines or are being injured to varying degrees by the vaccine and pharmaceutical industries and our “health care” system. One dead child is one too many.
Our children are the canaries in the coal mine, while many of our leaders, governmental agencies, doctors, vaccine manufacturers, and others that directly benefit from the vaccine agenda, are tone deaf and ignorant. Some doctors and healthcare providers across this country are aware their patients are dying and are injured by vaccines. And the horrific madness, lies, misinformation, propaganda, and lack of true informed consent – continues. Time is up. The truth can no longer be hidden and the medical industry is not kidding anyone anymore with its insensitivity, fear-based dogma, damage control, and lack of concern.
Let’s stop burying our babies. Let’s honor these deceased children whose lives have been stolen and cut short, by pressuring our legislatures, the medical and vaccine industries, and governmental leaders. They need to heed our warning. How many more vaccine-induced deaths will occur before people wake up and realize vaccines are not safe? Not just unsafe, but deadly. If any other product were killing and damaging children like vaccines, it would have been immediately taken off the market.
Owen’s story is one of countless infants that tragically lost his life from the undeniable horrific effects as a direct result of vaccines. Doctors and health professionals indoctrinated into the vaccine medicine system, omit, minimize, and downplay the risks, including death that occurs after the eight shot poison cocktail that infants are given. We need to stop this barbaric practice of damaging and killing innocent, healthy children. Enough is enough. We’ve had enough heartache, enough pain, enough grief, and deep sadness. Our families and our communities have suffered enough.
We will continue to publicly bring these devastating stories to light and shine a glaring neon spotlight on the suffering of families and their tragic losses. Honoring the infants and children that die unnecessarily is long overdue. Create awareness, rise up, educate your friends and family, and research because your loved one’s lives depend on it. Continue to share your stories, and encourage others to be courageous and brave in revealing theirs. Justice is a must. It’s JUST US after all that will make the difference.
My 2 month old granddaughter died this morning (Saturday). She was vaccinated on Tuesday.
I am so sorry for your loss. I did some research before I gave my child vaccines. I never combined more than 2 vaccines at a time and always not two that both contain aluminum or mercury in their composition. Even though the pediatrician said it is safe until 4 vaccines combined at once. It can be very dangerous for the child’s health. But, I was shocked when I read that your baby took 8 together.
I am so sorry. But I wonder what compels a mom to return to work with a 2 month old?
Taxes. Required Insurance purchases. Big government. Add up what comes out of your paycheck. Government is now so big and expensive that it takes one parent to support the family and the other to support their government. Somewhere around 38% of our paycheck goes to government (including SS which has all been “borrowed” to support and ever-expanding government expense), not including inflation which is rising much higher than is admitted. Inflation happens because the Federal Reserve keeps printing money which dilutes the value of the money already available. By the time it trickles down, your money buys less.
SIDs is most common at 2 months and then 4 months, regardless of whether mom works or stays home, ages following vaccine schedules. Check: https://vaers.hhs.gov/index.html
Maternity leave is only 6-8 weeks. Not everyone has the luxury to be a stay at home mom. Your comment is very rude.
Most women in the us are lucky to get 6 weeks of maternity leave if that
Many, in fact most, women who work get 6 weeks off for maternity leave. I find your comment insensitive, and cruel.
God bless you and your family..At 4 years old our son was given the Hep B vaccine and got Kawasaki disease (severe Vascilitis. It has been a nightmare of aneurysms in his coronaries, chronic illness and almost death from the vaccine. I feel certain of this vaccine for a few reasons..First, it was the only vaccine he had at the time and secondly the New England Journal of Medicine admits to this..I have done alot of research on the subject now and believe that SIDS is actually Vasculitis which is what Kawasaki disease is.. And KD is NOT RARE according to our Cardiologist! It is like having an anaphalixic reaction to the shot..When IVIG was finally given to our son days later it stopped the reaction almost like a high powered dose of Benadryl..Like you I have learned alot and hope you may find peace in spreading your message..Your son is an angel now in heaven! God bless him and your family!
So sorry for your loss. I wonder how many thousands of infants who have SIDS on their death certificate are really the victims of vaccines. A dear friend lost her son at 2 months of age many years ago. It was called SIDS then, but now we wonder if it was really from his shots… Thank you for sharing your story. Hopefully it will continue to help people know ahead of time the dangers of the vaccines.
Sorry for the loss of your son
It well may have been the vaccines but
Did you ask your mom if she gave your son a natural or OTC medicine for indigestion? If so it was not intentional and please forgive her
I pray you will have Gods Grace during this very sad time ???
I am soooo sorry for your loss, no words can make that hurt go away, but do know that I will pray for Jehovah God to calm your heart and minds. Vaccination Liberation can help you with your case also. Hope this helps, love to you and your family.
I want to know if you are participating in the JW org, because I decided to leave for the sole reason they SUPPORT vaccines as they not only say uts a “conscious matter” which it’s absolutely NOT,if you follow what the bible says about putting poisons into our bodies, AND they have several articles (awake) sitting pro vax ,MIS information from the CDC.
They know that is a controversal issue dont and want to offend any one so they present both sides and what scriptures we do know and it is up to the individual to make the choice. Sounds like you have done your research and know that its poison, but most of the population just take what the doctors say and do as they ask without investigation of what is in their medicines prescribed. Encourage those to investigate vaccines before taking them, help them. Dont just abandon everyone ! Dont let a piddly matter like this keep you from gaining everlasting life ! Love to you my christian sister.
Sorry for your loss. I was wondering what the official cause of death was and what was the doctors response?
I never heard of giving a baby 8 Vaccines All at Once.As a Adult would you take 8 pills at once? It may be the Amount of Vaccines,I think 1or 2 shots would not have killed the baby.Did they tell you what they were giving the shots for?Your Pediatrician should be at fault.
Yes this is standard, it’s not 8 shots, it’s combined
If you look at the vaccine schedule it is vaccinations for 8 different diseases. They will lump 2 or 3 into what they call combo shots. 3 vaccines in one hypodermic needle. Even the drug companies fine print supports spacing them out and not giving them all at once. The dr’s still give 3-4 shots a visit and that covers up to 8 diseases. Its insanity.
My children and grandchildren did not ever receive more than 1-2 shots which means you are saying they have shots for 4 diseases in each shot? I would like more info from this article.
When my son was in the NICU they were going to give him 20 shots, yes 20 shots…I said no and was promptly escorted to the back and berated by the Dr and nurse and threatened that if I did not agree they could keep my son.. I was in absolute shock!
It is so sad sometimes when these vaccines have a serious side effects maybe we should come up with a different schedule whereby one vaccine is given at a time and the body given sometime to respond or we just come up with safety measures regarding vaccinations. Sometimes these vaccines help in prevention of deadly diseases like rabies that is 100 percent fatal. They are good but sometimes they can have serious side effects when wrongly administered
Children do not get vaccinated for rabies!!
Do your research before you comment. There is no rabies vaccine for a child. Ridiculous.
My son got Kawasaki disease aka Vasculitis from ONE shot, Hep B!
I am heart broken to teas about this, I’m so sorry you lost your bby boy to this .. My 3rd son had the vaccine DTP and has a severe reaction to it , he went from happy and bouncy to just limp and lathargic… fever , glossy eyed and wouldn’t eat or at that matter move, just stared off into the ceiling. I called the drs. Office and told them what was going on. The dr. Got on the line and told me in these exact words … If your son doesn’t get any better take him to the ER , there isn’t anything I can do for you ! Wow that SOB… I just couldn’t believe what I had just heard from that pediatrician… Thankfully I just did what I could and prayed for the best. He SURVIVED but after that was a very sick bby , always in the ER with ASTHMA and fevers and such … I am a grandmother of 1 grandson and I am against vaccinations, but his mother insists on letting him get them ugggg , he has gotten sick.. prayers go out to you, and I dont feel our children need to be forced to have poison put in there bodies, and pharma is just making money off of it all, how can they sleep at night ? … sincerely sorry for your loss
Have you seen what Mr Bill Gates is up to know? Chipping, or tattooing your child to prove they have been vaccinated! Beware public people, we are slowly being “Big Brothered controlled!”
Do you live in a dictatorship or a free country. Nothing is mandatory, especially vaccines, in a free country. Use the power of the people to stop it. Everyone must refuse to allow it.
No. “Everyone must refuse” does not sound like everyone has the freedom to make their own decision.
One of my children had a reaction to the DTP Vaccine thank God I took him back to the clinic was given another shot to reverse the reaction, I disagree to the multiple shots at one or two, three months that’s too many and the pain that’s goes with it why don’t they themselves try getting 8 or more shots and see how it feels and mixture of those shots actually affects their system. This may have affect their mental state too. THIS IS MY OPINION.
I’ve never heard of a shot for reversal. What is the name of the shot? ?
That’s a crazy large amount of vaccines! I was literally kicked out of pediatric dr. with my baby girl when I refused not just give 1 but 6 at a time back in 1997. Never let them give your babies any more than 1 at a time and to not let them start any immunizations before age 6 mo. I say they need to be spread out! There are some stupid health rules enforced that not even I appreciate. Be careful. Don’t let them hoodwink you in to believing that is normal!
I am so sorry for your loss, SIDS is a terrible thing, and to not truly know what really happened is hard. Your angel baby didn’t suffer Jesus would not let that happen, Your little one is safe, healed & happy in His arms. Praying for you to find peace, solace & comfort in these hard days ahead, for your whole family.
I’m SO sorry for the loss of your precious little one, and equally so glad you are speaking up! I am 51, and don’t have children, because in my early 30’s, my first pregnancy ended because I had an MMR vaccine before I realized I was pregnant, and the miscarriage messed things up. The shot was to be admitted into a university, and the school would not take my positive titer, so even trying to fight getting the shot, it was get it or not go to school. I have since stopped getting ANY vaccines, because I have seen the research that shows so many of them, even flu shots, contain fetal cells, as well as many other harmful substances. I always worried as a nurse giving those shots to infants, but after learning about the fetal cells in the vaccines and medicines, I let my nursing license expire (even though I haven’t used it in years), because I just can’t support that. Love and prayers! Keep up the good fight, knowing God has your little one safe in His arms.
I am so very sorry for your loss. My heart hurts for all parents who have lost a baby or child due to giving them vac. How perfectly horrible!!! Way too many to give Anyone at one time! Let alone an infant!! I am pro vac, but certainly these shots need to be changed! Redone, administered at much different doses and times and more research needs to go into what they are doing!!!
Keep on talking! Your voice is being heard!! It is a shame so many innocent lives have been lost because big pharma won’t change yet!!!!!!!!! May God Bless you All!
One of the crappy things is they tell you no eggs or dairy before a child is one. Many of the vaccines are developed in chicken embryos. There are so many chemicals and such. Also – there is no way to tell exactly how much of a substance is in each shot as they are mixed in vats and not individually. That is very dangerous.
I am so so sorry for your loss. God Bless your family my prayers are with you and your family. Please keep fighting with the health feild in the proper ways to help others stay safe Thanks for the amazing artice
Garlic is healthier than vaccines, if the mother had eaten food with garlic crushed into it, and breastfed the baby, he would still be alive and healthier.
I’m so very sorry this happened to you and your family…I cannot imagine. As I’m reading this, I can’t help thinking about the time my son stopped breathing in the middle of the night at less than 3 weeks old (perfectly healthy, according to our trusted pediatrician), and I just happened to wake up and walk into his room to see if he was warm enough. My baby was also blue, but he managed to survive. I was told that numerous SIDS cases were associated with GERD and serious reflux issues. Since I’d never experienced anything like this with either of my 2 older children (daughters), I was floored to learn about that! I’m wondering if your sweet baby’s passing could’ve possibly been attributed to some sort of pre-existing condition that went unnoticed or got overlooked. That said, it seems concerning to me, too, that EIGHT vaccines were administered at one time. Maybe I’m old school and ignorant about it all, but I don’t understand how the body can metabolize that many injections at once…Did you have a chance to discuss this with your doctor?
I guess vaccines have changed alot since my kids were small, but never were they given 8 at one time! a 2 month old, I don’t believe, should be given that many different vaccines at one time. How can their little bodies handle all that? Very concerning…
It’s an awful thing that this baby was born in a ignorant family. I was in the medical field too, but anybody especially in this field of work should know about these vaccine dangers. I have ran into alot of stubborn nurses that will promote vaccines and I just look at them and think wow….these are the people that are taking care of us when we are sick. These words you speak will not take away your guilt. You are the responsible party. My hope is that you will remain proactive about vaccines and their dangers. So terribly sorry for your loss….
What a horrible thing to say. I hope that Noone ever publicly blames you for the passing of a loved one. You heart is full of spite & ignorance.
Your an ass!! And “a lot” is two words… Who is ignorant now??
What a horrible thing to say!!! Hope that high horse doesnt buck you off and trample you
Deepest condolences, such a tragedy. Eight shots at one time for any age seems excessive, I think the most my daughter had when she was an infant was two…
Deepest condolences, such a tragedy. Eight shots at one time for any age seems excessive, I think the most my daughter had when she was an infant was two…
Sorry about your baby boy. Also thanks for light you given us to make rite choice for our babies!
So sad to hear about your baby boy !
My condolences
Yes thank you for this encouragement… I do not give my kids shots
I am so sorry that Owen is gone from this earth. My prayers go out to you. I believe my son got Tourette Syndrome after his MMR shot, he is my oldest and my other 3 children were never vaccinated. Later I read that if you have a neurological disorder you shouldn’t have this shot, but how are you supposed to know your baby has any neurological deficits when they are so young to test????? If there is anything I can do , to protest or sign anything let me know . ?
Prayers for Owen that his mission from GOD is accomplished and prayers for your whole family and GOD Bless.
When we lost our 2 1/2 month old baby girl,(she got caught under the mattress of a porta-crib the my M-in-L insisted we put to bed in.. long story) the very first thing the 3 different doctors asked us”Was she vaccinated in the last 2 weeks” Ohhh they know!! Even back then! And that was 35 years ago!! We never vaxxed our 7 children, and that was confirmation why!! When we had our first, something told me “NO” ! As I researched the deadly cocktail that was in them, a stronger “NO” was my response. I pray the Lord to heal you, as much as you can be healed…the pain and loss never goes way, but there comes a lessening of the rawness. And your sharing your story will help many!!
I’ve been informing friends/neighbors/new moms…anyone who’ll listen concerning the danger of vaccines for 35 years, big Pharms in a evil behemoth!!
I have a special needs grandson, Jack. Set BP1 is tentative diagnosis. Associated with gene 18. He has a perfect gene 18, and a perfectly formed non functioning gene 18. Jack did not meet ANY of his milestones. Sit, stand, crawl. Lazy eye. Speech almost non existent. Umbilical cord wrapped tight around left ankle and he was born C/S bent in half with left heel pressing into his forehead. When pulled up, cord tightened and he “ricocheted” back down into amniotic fluid and aspirated clean fluid. 2 weeks early. In NICN a week. Failure to thrive. 11.2# at 2 months. 11.2# at 6 months! I’m an RN. Doc said “only breast milk”, daughter thought my suggestions, then pleas for solid food and enfamil with iron fell on deaf ears. He then did an Army crawl with a crooked left leg in the air…around 2 yrs old. He would scratch his forehead with his left toes! I do not know if any vaccines given at birth to already compromised preemie. We walked with a Walker while wearing a helmet and leg braces. As he was about to enter preK, doc told my daughter Jack could not go to California schools unvaccinated. She “caved” and behind my back. Within 24 hrs he had a major seizure and stopped breathing. My daughter and Jack were in a car dealership waiting area. A kind man jumped into action and did CPR. An ambulance rushed Jack to the hospital in which he was born. When my daughter ADMITTED to me she allowed Jack to have vaccines, I did not scream or say I told you! I embraced her over texts from ER and agreed Jack should have no further vaccines. He is now 6. In kindergarten at a private Christian school where bullying is not tolerated. Everybody loves Jack! He runs like the Wizard of Oz scarecrow, squeals like a dolphin when excited, is VERY SMART, is in speech therapy every week and his first 3 words he spoke was on Thanksgiving. “I want pie..”
He is our joy. Unsure if he will ever be able to live on his own. We thank God for everyday with Jack. He is quite animated and popular at school and initiates group hugs with the girls in his class. He wears glasses and mom got a matching pair of glasses for herself! I will post a pic here if I can. I am on Instagram as praynmom.
God bless you in your loss. I cannot even begin to imagine your pain. Thank you for taking an unthinkable heart wrenching event and speaking out on behalf of thousands, if not MORE, in defense of baby wellness and urging parents to be hypervigilant in what is put into their innocent babies. I’m sure your sweet son is proud of his Mommy…
There are rumours floating around that California may make vaccinations MANDATORY and that doctors CANNOT write waivers for ANY reason and refusal by religious reasons will be denied. Should that become official our daughter, husband and kids have already said they would move out of state. I pray it does not come down to that.
Our daughter Stephanie had the DPT at age 4 months, got her home and she started having seizures. After many months in and out of hospitals she passed away at age 20, she was completely dependent. She was beautiful and she knew everything you said. my husband and I know how you feel. God bless you….
I have always said, vaccines are unhealthy. I mocked for my belief. My great-grandson took vaccines and changed that very night to a crying baby and unable to sleep
He now very hyper and I blame vaccines.
I respect you for taking a stance and demanding the truth about vaccines I will continue to educate myself and urge others to do the same
So sorry to hear this. I always wondered why babies needed these shots and so many of them when they has a natural immunity when they were newborns. The needle-happy doctors have NO idea what a child is allergic to or how the combination of drugs will affect them. They also don’t know proper dosages since each child is different. This is just malpractice – resulting in murder!
Very sorry to hear this. I hope you can find peace with such a horrible experience. If nothing else it serves as a warning to us, and for that we are grateful.