I’ve Resigned As Executive Director Of The CNDA

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I’ve Resigned As Executive Director Of The CNDA

Wednesday, April 6th, 2016

Dear Community,
I’m writing to let you know that after four years of service to the naturopathic community, to naturopathic doctors and to the California Naturopathic Doctors Association (CNDA), I have resigned as their Executive Director, effective April 2nd, 2016. This letter is both for NDs who I have served in California and nationally, and also for those in the Stop Mandatory Vaccination community who I also serve in California, nationally, and internationally. Before I begin, here is – in part – the press release from the CNDA that was released earlier today announcing my resignation:

“Dear CNDA community,
It is with great sadness that we announce that Larry Cook resigned from his position as CNDA Executive Director on April 2nd. Larry has been a great asset to the CNDA over the last 4 years. With his leadership, there has been significant improvement in home office efficiency, which in turn has fostered growth in our membership and corporate partnerships. He has streamlined our Merging Medicine conferences and webinars, as well as created a user-friendly interface for our members to purchase self-study materials. We have also experienced tremendous growth of the organization over the last 4 years, both in membership size and in revenue. We are grateful and appreciative for all the wonderful work he has done and for his service to the CNDA. We will miss him and wish him the best as he pursues new career opportunities.”

I have truly enjoyed serving naturopathic doctors all across California and the U.S., and I fostered many, many positive relationships over those four years, which I cherish. While at the CNDA I worked extremely hard to streamline operations and to put systems in place that could help create a sustainable association that will maintain excellent customer service and fulfill all other obligations that is required of a membership association. I helped to take the association from a little over $300,000 in yearly revenue to over $500,000 in yearly revenue for the last three years in a row. It was an honor and privilege to be entrusted with the many responsibilities that helped to create the right environment for growth and continued success at the CNDA. However, I now have another calling in life that I must attend to, which is why I resigned from the CNDA.

If you are in my Stop Mandatory Vaccination community then you know I represent parents of vaccine-injured children, parents of vaccine-free children, and everyone else who believe in medical freedom. I absolutely abhor vaccine mandates and I believe they undermine a just and free society, and to that end, I now have the free time I require to more effectively challenge mandatory vaccination policy.

I’d like to mention that, as Executive Director at the CNDA, I talked with a LOT of NDs and I had never once talked with one who supports mandatory vaccination. There is a recently posted slanderous article about me and the CNDA that states I support mandatory vaccination and that I helped to pass CA SB277, but those accusations are misrepresentations with an intent to discredit me because of a personality conflict while on a cruise. If you come across the article, I hope you’ll see through the lies and carry on as normal.

I’d also like to mention that a naturopathic doctor (Dr. Agrios, ND) has helped me tremendously over the years and that I highly recommend finding an ND if you have health issues. You can find one near you at www.RealizeHealth.org.

Finally, I believe my mission is to educate as many parents and others as possible about the dangers of vaccination, the lack of efficacy of vaccination, and why natural immunity is superior to vaccination. To that end, I have ideas on literally dozens and dozens of videos I want to create and share in social media because they are so effective at conveying the Truth about vaccines. This can exponentially grow our movement to effectively oppose and ultimately shut down vaccine mandates. We need to grow our army of warriors willing to do what it takes to stop this medical tyranny. I’m all in, and I hope you are too!

In Service and In Gratitude,

Larry Cook

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Take my 12-part online course, The Vaccine Free Parenting MasterClass, to dive deep into the vaccine topic in a logical and sequential order. It's Free! ~ Larry Cook