“I, Daniel Austin, Am One Of Four Autistic Vaccine Injured Siblings.”

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“I, Daniel Austin, Am One Of Four Autistic Vaccine Injured Siblings.”

By Daniel Keith Austin

I, Daniel Keith Austin (Twitter handle @DanielAustin07), am one of four autistic/vaccine-injured siblings.

Catherine – my oldest sister born in 1986 – is high-functioning Asperger’s on the autism spectrum. As an autistic child, she struggled with noise sensitivity and adherence to routine. Today, she struggles with being in social settings, building and keeping relationships, basic day-to-day tasks, prioritizing, and employment.

I, Daniel, am the second-oldest born in 1988. I am high-functioning Asperger’s on the autism spectrum. In my childhood, I was on the moderate side of the autism spectrum. I struggled with echolalia, hand-flapping, adherence to routine, adjusting to changes from learned routine, social settings, relationship building, and differentiating between fantasy and reality.

When I was in elementary school, I needed a teacher’s aide/paraprofessional sitting next to me to help me focus and learn. I had difficulty listening to the teacher, I fidgeted nonstop while sitting at my desk, and I was prone to meltdowns and outbursts. I was extremely disruptive to the other children trying to learn. This was during the late 1990’s/early 2000’s, but my worst year exhibiting this behavior was my third-grade year from 1997-1998. I was the only child like this in my class and I never understood why until I learned I was not born with autism but was instead injured by vaccines.

Joshua was born in 1990 and is moderate-to-severe on the autism spectrum. He experienced a significant speech delay in his early development, losing his speech and then regaining it later in his childhood. He demonstrates a limited capacity for logical reasoning and struggles to differentiate between reality and fantasy, which significantly impacts his day-to-day functioning. His condition affects his ability to form relationships, live independently, or engage in tasks like driving and maintaining employment. He requires ongoing support to manage his daily life.

My youngest brother Jeremy – born in 1991 – is extremely severe on the autism spectrum. He cannot talk and bites his own arms every day. He used to escape and run away from his caretakers and smear feces on walls and furniture. He does not do these things anymore, but he still cannot speak and is subject to meltdowns and fits of anger.

He was already non-verbal and self-injurious at 13 when his doctor required another shot for school. His doctor insisted to my mom that the shot was “totally mercury-free and thimerosal-free.” Within days of that shot, Jeremy’s behavior magnified 100 times and he turned his aggression against us. He also started having seizures for the first time in his life, they were Grand Mal seizures happening on a weekly basis, and often multiple times in one day. My mom went back to the doctor, who told her that:

“There may have been traces of mercury and thimerosal in the vaccine, there is no regulation of how much is in a trace, and I am convinced Jeremy got a full dose of thimerosal.”

Because he was so dangerous to others as well as himself, and because Mom was pregnant with her youngest at the time (who is now 18), Jeremy had to be placed at Lake Mary in Paola Kansas, which was a residential placement facility for minors with similar mental disabilities. He stayed there until he was 18 years old.

One thing that helped me with my struggles was my creative drive. When I was in fourth grade, my teacher had us write short stories as an in-class assignment. I wrote a story called Leo the Lion, and it was chosen by our local high school theater students to perform as a one-act play among other stories written by elementary school students in the district. This paved the way for my writing and my acting/singing.

As I got older, I became more self-aware of what being autistic actually meant for me, and I did whatever I could to start moving away from that. It was important for my life goals and my relationships.

When we hit that turning point with Jeremy, Mom got in touch with a doctor who did genetic testing and heavy metal toxicity testing on the 4 of us. The genetic testing results came back negative – there was nothing on my mom’s side or my dad’s that indicated any kind of genetic mental illness – and the heavy metals were off the charts.

Since then, Mom has had Joshua and Jeremy detox and try different diets as well as different protocols. They were also on supplements. They included GAPS, MMS chlorine dioxide, X39 patch, nicotine patch, sulfur, EDTA, Isagenix, Magnesium, Vitamin D, Folic acid, Penicillin, etc. They are on Carnivore now for their diet.

I myself have not been detoxed yet nor have I changed my diet. I am in a position where I have to work multiple jobs, and I cannot afford to take time off. Detoxing will make me sick and in pain, and until I am financially ready I have to be able to consistently pay my bills. This is what I am trying to get my Chelsea book series to do for me, and this is how families of vaccine-injured victims can support me.

Mom had two more children born in 2004 and 2006. They have never had any vaccines and they are both healthy and normal.

Get Chelsea’s New Beginning on Amazon

Due to our vaccine injuries, I’ll be raising awareness through my third book, Chelsea and Benjamin, where Chelsea helps a character who is severely autistic, and it kicks off her character arc into becoming a therapy dog. I’m hosting a fundraiser to help publish Book 2 so we can get to Book 3 for Chelsea The Golden Retriever (@ChelseaTheGold2 on X, or on Facebook), and it’s on my website, www.danielkeithaustin.com, where you can click on the Fundraiser tab.

I also intend to do interviews with anyone who wants to have me on to talk about my vaccine injury story in detail.

Contact Daniel

Autism & Vaccine Injury Resources

Click Here for Vaccine Injury & Treatment Suggestions

Click Here for Heavy Metal Detox


One Comment

  1. You are amazing Daniel
    What an inspiration

    From a 49 yo late diagnosed adhd/autistic woman in Australia

    Wishing you all the success

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Take my 12-part online course, The Vaccine Free Parenting MasterClass, to dive deep into the vaccine topic in a logical and sequential order. It's Free! ~ Larry Cook