Child Becomes Autistic Mute After Vaccination
By Leen Van Melle
My daughter was a perfectly healthy 3 year old. Always very attentive when I spoke to here. She could speak with full sentences when she was 2 years old. I already had info from my veterinarian’s wife that vaccinations can cause damage.
I decided that the tetanus vaccine might be the only acceptable vaccine, as my daughter wanted to go to school and I would not be there to put green clay on her scratches and wounds. In the child care center they told me that the tetanus only vaccine was not an option that it had to be a coattail of minimum of 2 and that never ever has a child had problems with the diphtheria tetanus vaccine. I was persuaded and agreed to the vaccine injection.
I dropped my child off at my sister’s because I had to go to school myself. When I went to pick her up around 4 o’clock in the afternoon, my sister said that my daughter had no normal reactions. When I got home, after a bite to eat, she fell asleep and I put her to bed. The next afternoon at 4 o’clock, after a sleep of 23 hours, I had to shake her awake. A bell started ringing in my conscience but I pushed it away.
Two hours later, after I had put her baby sister to bed, she fell asleep at dinner. I read her a bedtime story quietly as always, so as not to wake baby sister. She said, “mommy if you read so quietly you better not read because I can’t hear you.” The bell started to ring a little louder. With all the might of a helpless mother I suppressed the feeling of unrest with the thought “No, not my child.”
The next day everything looked normal. My daughter was happy and cheerful again and wide awake. She was playing with her back to me at a distance of 1 meter and I saw something on her and talked to her. She didn’t react, so I said it again. She didn’t react again so somewhat panicked I repeated my question very loudly.
She turned around and said, startled by my shouting “Mom what’s wrong?” At that moment the ground disappeared from under my feet. I called my brother-in-law in panic who is a GP and told him what had happened. He said that it was possibly due to the vaccination and that I could give a homeopathic remedy that is normally given before the vaccination to reduce the reaction. I followed this advice without result.
A few days later we went to the hospital to have her ears checked. There was nothing wrong with her hearing.
When she was 16 she didn’t wake up from my shouting. And I shouted loudly, that she had to get up to go to school. But with a light touch on her shoulder she woke up.
My daughter is now 30 years old. She is still hard of hearing when her attention is not focused. I call it autistic deaf.
We were so lucky that I decided not to give her that cocktail of 3 otherwise she might have been totally autistic like her peer and boyfriend.
Thank you people from the help group for vaccination disease for distributing the papers with the pros and cons of the vaccinations. You have saved many lives that way.