Try Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment for Autism, Vaccine Injury, Brain Injury, Wounds & More

Try Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment for Autism, Vax Injury, Brain Injury, Wounds & More [Go Here for additional vaccine injury treatments I recommend.] Hyperbaric oxygen treatment (HBOT) is the process of laying or sitting inside a pressurized chamber for one hour to two hours per session to “squeeze” ambient oxygen into the cells, which in turn will help improve healing at all levels since oxygen is required for all metabolic action. Hard chamber hyperbaric treatment pressurizes a hard chamber up to 3 times more atmospheric pressure than normal atmospheric pressure and a soft chamber mild hyperbaric oxygen treatment pressurizes 1.3 to 1.5 times normal atmospheric pressure (ATA). An overview of how hyperbaric oxygen helps heal the body – my interview with…

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COVID Vaccine Caused Leg Numbness, Depression, Chest Pain, Neurological Issues & More

COVID Vaccine Caused Leg Numbness, Depression, Chest Pain, Neurological Issues & More By Audra Worlow For the most part of my life I have been extremely healthy. I’ve never had a flu shot, and yet I’ve only had the flu once in my entire life in the eighth grade. As far as my mental health is concerned, I always struggled with ADHD, depression, and anxiety, but I had been pretty medically stable (i.e. no new medications or increase in dosage of medications) for roughly a few years. Then March of 2020 hit, and for the first time in a very very long time I got hit hard, by something. Probably the worst fever I have ever felt. I opened all…

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10 IMPORTANT REASONS TO AVOID ALL VACCINES – My Twitter Post On December 9th, 2023 I posted to Twitter 10 reasons why to avoid vaccines and it’s reached nearly 250,000 people, so I decided to post it here as well for easy reference and sharing! I hope you share this page with friends and family,  and even in social media!  ~ Larry Cook Here Are Just A Few Reasons To Never Vaccinate! 1) Vaccines do not confer immunity. This means that a vaccinated person can (and does) get the illness for which they are vaccinated against. Although this failure of vaccines is always blamed on the unvaccinated (the “herd immunity” myth), in reality, it is because the TH1 cell mediated…

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She Vaccinated Her Son for School Which Destroyed His Speech

She Vaccinated Her Son for School Which Destroyed His Speech Almost six years ago I started my Facebook Group, Stop Mandatory Vaccination, with the express purpose to help parents confidently go 100% vaccine free. I put in a massive amount of effort, strategy and moderation protocol to get parents into the group so they could get the information they sought. (Facebook shut it down last month.) As more and more vaccine mandates happened, one question that was asked VERY FREQUENTLY in the group was: “I need to vaccinate my child to go to school, how do I detox him afterwards.”  I would cringe every time I saw that question, and like I said, it was asked a LOT. If I…

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Mom Jailed For Refusing To Vaccinate Details Corruption, Abuse and Ineptness

Mom Jailed For Refusing To Vaccinate Details Corruption, Abuse and Ineptness   Rebecca Bredow found herself in the belly of the beast known as the Family Court System in Michigan where she battled for her and her son’s rights. All due to her child’s father creating false unsubstantiated claims against her and manipulating the legal process. Rebecca was jailed for seven days for refusing a court order and was found in contempt and violation of an agreement to get her son vaccinated – except she did not give consent and there was no agreement. Where is the line for the state to serve and help mediate family legal issues and where does it grossly violate a parent’s choice, religious beliefs,…

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Shattered Dreams: The HPV Vaccine Exposed

Latest book exposing the Dangers of the HPV Vaccine is now available   BUY THE BOOK ON AMAZON: It is a documented fact that since the introduction of the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination in 2006, more adverse reactions have been reported than with any other vaccine. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) VigiAccess database, as of August 13, 2018, there had been a total of 84,986 reports of adverse reactions filed. These reports included 37,249 reports of nervous system disorders; 2514 reported cardiac disorders, including 35 cardiac arrests; 542 reports of postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS); over 3000 reports of seizures or epilepsy; 8430 reports of syncope; and 401 reported deaths. These statistics are increasing every day and…

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Autism Diagnosis After Flu Vaccine Sparks Mom’s Research and Recovery Efforts

Autism Diagnosis After Flu Vaccine Sparks Mom’s Research and Recovery Efforts   Joni Beth Waldroup witnessed her youngest daughter, Rosie, suffer a significant decline in health after she received typical childhood vaccines, and then a more dramatic decline after a flu shot. Rosie would later be diagnosed with autism. On March 5th, 2019 Joni posted to her social media the pain of needing to defend her decision not to vaccinate which we share below, and then we have a Q&A with her where she gives more details about the vaccine/autism connection in her daughter. Joni’s daughter’s autism story was originally published in April 2016 by her local paper when Rosie was 23 months old during Autism Awareness Month and that…

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Over 2,000 Descend On WA State Capitol To Challenge Vaccine Mandate Bills

Over 2,000 Descend On WA State Capitol To Challenge Vaccine Mandate Bills   The Washington State Capitol in Olympia on Friday, February 8, 2019, was filled and buzzing with thousands of concerned citizens and families who drove in from all over the state to attend a public hearing for House Bill 1638, titled, “Promoting immunity against vaccine preventable diseases.” Woven within this misleading bill title is a clause that strives to remove the philosophical/personal exemptions to the MMR (measles, mumps, and rubella) vaccine for children who attend both public and private schools and licensed daycares. Early lines at the Capitol started at 5:00 a.m. as eager parents and vaccine choice advocates braved the freezing temperatures and biting cold – even with predicted…

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6 Days After 8 Vaccines “SIDS” Claims The Life Of Another Healthy Infant

6 Days After 8 Vaccines “SIDS” Claims The Life Of Another Healthy Infant CLICK HERE TO DONATE to help pay for the independent autopsy that could prove vaccines killed her child. Raja-Nee Keys awoke to the worst nightmare a mother can imagine: finding her two and a half month old baby boy lifeless six days after he was vaccinated. When the doctors and coroners cannot explain why a healthy baby dies, they label it “SIDS” (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome) – and halt the investigation there in most cases. Except we all know that perfectly healthy infants do not just suddenly die of a “mysterious” reason following vaccination. Raja-Nee is a new member of the Stop Mandatory Vaccination FaceBook group and she…

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30 Years Ago Same Age Infants Die At The Same Time After Vaccination

30 Years Ago Same Age Infants Die At The Same Time After Vaccination   Even after 30 years, the pain of tragically losing a child following vaccines does not subside, nor does the heartache stop. Cynthia Best vividly reflects upon the loss of her infant daughter from vaccination from three decades ago, while she was living overseas when her husband was in the US Army. Cynthia: In 1988, we were stationed in Munchwieler Germany, a very small province. It was a small base near a larger one in Pirmasens near the French border. My husband was in the Army and our doctors were military. We were living in a small community, so everyone knew everyone. Our baby, Kristina, recently had her shots, the…

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Healthy 14 Week Old Infant Gets 8 Vaccines and Dies Within 24 Hours

Healthy 14 Week Old Infant Gets 8 Vaccines and Dies Within 24 Hours   Matthew and Angeline Le Grange of South Africa recently lost their youngest son, Malakai, to eight vaccines on September 22nd, 2018. He was only three and a half months old. Malakai was a vibrant, happy, and healthy baby boy leading up to his 14 week doctor’s appointment. Within a day of receiving his last round of vaccines at this doctor’s visit, he died. No family should ever have to bury their child as an outcome of the destructive path of vaccination. Vaccine death stories from shattered families worldwide continue to be expressed, shared, and shouted from every corner of the world, and we have over a dozen…

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Two Month Vaccines Kill Infant, CPS Takes Other Children, Mom Stops All Vaccination

Two Month Vaccines Kill Infant, CPS Takes Other Children, Mom Stops All Vaccination   Crystal Cabell’s healthy three-month old daughter DIED within weeks of her infant’s routine two-month old vaccines. Crystal is one of countless parents that share an unfortunate truth, unbearable experience, and alarming tragedy. She remorsefully shares, “I lost a child and I know it was due from her getting vaccinated!!!” Crystal hopes her devastating story will create more awareness and ignite the deeper questioning of vaccination and its inherent risks. Crystal: My daughter Maxeen passed away December 31st, 2012 shortly after she received her two-month shots. She was barely three months old when I got her two month vaccines a little late (around December 3rd) because I was…

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These Six 100% Vaccine Free Children Are Healthy, Intelligent, Vibrant and Disease Free

These Six 100% Vaccine Free Children Are Healthy, Intelligent, Vibrant and Disease Free   Jennifer Minski, is a dedicated and doting mother of six healthy children, Gabriel (20), Adeline (15), Isaac (13), Jonah (11), Moira (2.5), and Phineas (9 months old). This informed mom conducted her research and chose not to vaccinate. She continues to stand by her choice with no regrets. Jennifer’s confident decision occurred two decades ago before Google, before there were internet support groups, before state-wide vaccine advocacy groups, and before educational websites boldly encouraged parents to research, dig deeper, thoroughly investigate the risks versus benefits, and question the safety and effectiveness of vaccines. Jennifer researched and educated herself through reading books and gathered information on natural immunity…

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Healthy Infant Dies In Sleep After Vaccines Yet His Death Is Ruled “SIDS”

Healthy Infant Dies In Sleep After Vaccines Yet His Death Is Ruled “SIDS”   This video shows us a bright, bubbly, healthy five month old little boy named Charlie along with his mom, Jessica Waters, just days before he passed away [you must be a member of the Stop Mandatory Vaccination Facebook group to see the video]. Charlie had his newborn vaccines, received vaccinations again at two months old, and another round of injections at four months. Unexpectedly, he died within weeks of his last vaccines. Jessica is a first-time mom who is heartbroken and mourning her baby; the shock and pain she felt when she lost her infant to vaccines is immeasurable and unimaginable. Jessica’s story is one of…

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Infant Dies Two Months After HepB Vaccine and Vitamin K Given at Birth

Infant Dies Two Months After HepB Vaccine and Vitamin K Given at Birth   Kimberly Spoon and her husband faced a unbearable tragedy no parent should ever encounter. Their two and a half month old daughter, Chloe, died as a result of side effects from the Hepatitis B vaccine and Vitamin K shot given at birth. Chloe’s parents were never informed of the full detrimental risks and adverse side effects of vaccines, never provided informed consent, never offered a vaccine package insert or vaccine information sheet (VIS), and never given the list of toxic ingredients and foreign substances in the shots. Kimberly was just routinely told by the doctor “all babies need the Hepatitis B vaccine” with no explanation as to…

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Now Healthy, Mom Stopped Vaccinating After Vaccines Wrecked Her Family

Now Healthy, Mom Stopped Vaccinating After Vaccines Wrecked Her Family   Nadia, the mom pictured above, suffered from severe eczema, horrendous skin issues, terrible allergies, and chronic illnesses as an infant and young child. It wasn’t until after she had vaccinated her first two children, and years later, when Nadia realized the connection between her own chronic conditions as a child, and the learning disabilities and behavioral issues of her first-born, were a direct result of vaccines. Of her four children, her youngest two who are vaccine free, are much healthier than her vaccinated children. Nadia reveals the startling differences between her vaccinated and unvaccinated children and reflects on her own vaccine injuries, childhood ailments, and vaccine-free lifestyle. Nadia: My parents…

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Australian Mom Stops Vaccinating Her Kids Upon Realizing Their Numerous Vaccine Injuries

Australian Mom Stops Vaccinating Her Kids Upon Realizing Their Numerous Vaccine Injuries   What does a discerning mom do after she discovers vaccines damaged all three of her children? She wakes up, of course, and stops vaccinating! After hearing vaccine injury stories and identifying with the common experiences and illnesses, Yvette Saxon, mother of three, realized her children’s health issues and chronic illnesses were actually vaccine injuries. After she discovered the jarring connection, and researched how vaccines, medications, and other toxins negatively affect health, she discontinued vaccinating. Yvette now proactively seeks healthier ways to boost immune function in her family and repair the damage that came from vaccination. Yvette: My kids are 17, 13, and 10 years old. All are fully vaccinated, including…

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Nine Years Later: HPV Vaccine Injury Survivor is Still Recovering

Nine Years Later: HPV Vaccine Injury Survivor is Still Recovering   Kristin Bell was a healthy, athletic, high-functioning 26 year old woman prior to receiving two damaging doses of Gardasil – the disputed and ill-conceived HPV vaccine. Kristin recalls, “I was at the doctor getting other tests done, and it was recommended by my general practitioner (GP). I wasn’t given much information, if any – just that it was beneficial.” Kristin heard about the HPV vaccine from the media and felt since she had a family history of breast cancer, “it seemed like the right thing to do.” Kristin was unaware of the detrimental health risks of the Gardasil vaccine and did not receive true informed consent from her GP. Kristin…

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HPV Vaccine Film Series, Sacrificial Virgins, Wins Australian Film Festival Awards

HPV Vaccine Film Series, Sacrificial Virgins, Wins Australian Film Festival Awards   We are pleased to announce that Sacrificial Virgins, a documentary series we showcased in a fall 2017 article, won two prominent film festival awards in Australia on March 4, 2018. “Sacrificial virgins” describe tween, pre-teen, and teenage girls and boys, who are socially marketed to and targeted for the human papilloma virus (HPV) vaccines (Gardasil, Gardasil 9, and Cervarix). The HPV vaccine is typically offered prior to being sexually active and heavily marketed for cancer prevention — even though according to the CDC’s own website, “Most people with HPV never develop symptoms or health problems.” Sacrificial Virgins, a three-part documentary series that addresses international concerns over the safety of the controversial HPV vaccines,…

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