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  1. Is their any treatment/protocols for detoxification of the covid vaccines

  2. you talk about not getting a Vit K dose at birth. My daughter was guilted into it when her daughter (now 6) was born. She has never given her any other vax etc. She has severe allergies ….to peanut, legumes, etc. Do you think it could have been caused by the Vit K shot???? Any thots on getting rid of these allergies. She gives her lots of supplements, local honey, nutritious foods etc….

  3. Have an 8 year old that has been on Onfi, Depakote, Keppra since he was 3 due to seizures. He was given vaccines as scheduled by his pediatrician. He is on the spectrum. Would zeolite be a concern with all the meds he has to take to not have seizures? The drop seizures are especially dangerous for him.

  4. I learned the Natural Hygiene health system in 1972 after hearing a talk by Dick Gregory in 1972 (he had been on a fruit and vegetable juice fast to protest the Viet Nam war). I have lived totally drug/
    vaccine /doctor free ever since.

  5. We need to act!

  6. hey Larry I listened to you before on FB until you were taken down and Charlie and Colleen freaksensetv frequently but someone sent me this to look at and I’m not sure what to think. Curious to see what u think. I have also finished the Great Awakening by Dave Hayes .good read. ordered his other book but still waiting for it come. here is the link:

    Election 2020: The Fall of the Cabal? #markofthebeast #Election2020 #NESARA
    •Nov 4, 2020

  7. Larry, really funny to me that your title is what I’ve said to many…even today when at the bank. I’d love to speak to you about the tesla wave and offer a free 2 week trial to you, your family and to others who get your newsletter or emails. It is Nikola Tesla who discovered the basic healing frequency that we can use to become the best we can. Please give my email to anyone you choose so they can email a clear headshot (without glasses and in good light) with the subject line saying they wish to have the free tesla wave trial. Since I vette everyone, I ask each to send a landline or personal cell number because I will be calling from my personal cell number. Blessings to you for what you’re doing. You’re welcome to email me so we may speak also if you like. Have been called a Consultant to MD’s and a C.S.S. by doctors. Would love to connect with you and anyone else who’s devoted to living by truth, honor and freedom. Blessings to all pure-hearted men.

  8. Larry all your stuff has disappeared on facebook! Are you ok?

  9. Check this link out fpr news on a death from vaccine trials

  10. Thanks you for telling the truth about the lies of the mainstream media.

  11. Thanks for providing truthful information about what is happening with the world at large and the USA

  12. Please add me.

  13. One should use the lbry app. as well ✌🏼❤

  14. Kathleen De Mill

    My doctor is facing a lawsuit from Richard Pan, state of California, for vaccine exemptions for at risk children. Do you have any resources to help him?

  15. reCAPTCHA is required. This came up when I tried to subscribe????

  16. I am ALSO having trouble paying my renewal. Does anyone read these comments?

  17. Michelle Ketchum

    Hi would like to unsubscribe this email address

  18. Same problem as nancy

  19. I’ve tried to join your email list several times, doing the captcha, etc. Every time it says I am denied. So, I say Forget It!

  20. Michael Werlein

    Thank you for being there fighting for our little one’s lives. You are a hero.???

  21. i don’t know how to agree to the terms and it won’t let me sign up…

  22. nancy marie glaviano,avila and family

    my teen dose need shots she find thanks larry cook we love you and your work you do nancy glaviano,avila and family good day

  23. Just in case you dont have my email

  24. Hi Larry – looking forward to receiving emails from you/your group!

  25. I’m so happy to see others making this powerful decision. Love and support for all my fellow Anti-Vaxxers!

  26. Love your work !!

  27. Join us here:

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Take my 12-part online course, The Vaccine Free Parenting MasterClass, to dive deep into the vaccine topic in a logical and sequential order. It's Free! ~ Larry Cook