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Reach Your Target Audience and Support This Campaign
By Advertising On Stop Mandatory Vaccination!

Website Advertising and Email Promotion

Larry-Headshot-primary-300pixelsA great way to support my Stop Mandatory Vaccination public outreach program and to reach new customers is to advertise on my website in the left column. The left column is displayed on all website pages. Additionally, the larger the ad you select, the more reach you get through my additional Facebook promotion and email promotion add-ons.

Website Advertising has averages 10,000 ~ 20,000 unique visitors per month. Your ad will be placed n the left column, near the top (based on date of purchase and size of ad).

Email List Promotion
My Stop Mandatory Vaccination email subscriber list has over 55,000 emails and it continues to grow. When you select a larger display ad for advertising on the website you also get a 1200 pixel wide by 600 pixel tall display ad option inside each email blast I send out (many per month).

Get Your Ad Designed For Just $5!


300 wide by 600 tall ad on this website plus a 1200 X 600 Ad in all emails that go to my list (around 1 to 2 sends per week) is $239/month payable on an auto payment plan.





Contact me at for questions and how to pay.


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FTC DISCLOSURE: We may earn money or products from the companies or links mentioned on any post or page.

Take my 12-part online course, The Vaccine Free Parenting MasterClass, to dive deep into the vaccine topic in a logical and sequential order. It's Free! ~ Larry Cook