TDaP Vaccination Causes Immediate and Traumatic Stillbirth At 28 Weeks Pregnant

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TDaP Vaccination Causes Immediate and Traumatic Stillbirth At 28 Weeks Pregnant


Tara Ortiz had a healthy, normal, first pregnancy with absolutely no complications or issues up until the 28 week mark when her doctor recommended a flu vaccine and the TDaP (Tetanus, Diphtheria, Acellular Pertussis) vaccine. Even on the TDaP’s first page of the package insert it states, “Safety and effectiveness have not been established in pregnant women.” The CDC released a 2017 study that shows there’s a 7.7 times increased risk of miscarriage following the flu vaccine. Yet, vaccines are administered, recommended, and even pushed during pregnancy – despite the prevalence of fetal death.

Tara declined the flu shot at her 28 week prenatal appointment, but was unaware of the TDaP’s risks and delivered a stillborn baby days after the vaccination. Tara recreates her timeline below and shares in her own words her dreadful story as a warning for other pregnant moms and families.

Tara: Here’s my timeline. Tuesday, I was 28 weeks. Wednesday, at 28 weeks plus one day, I had an NTS scan (non stress test) where the doctor monitors the baby’s heartbeat for 30 minutes. This NTS test can tell if the baby is getting enough oxygen, how they are responding to movements, and basic fetal distress. My baby had a healthy heartbeat and was growing perfectly! Proving that before this vaccine, my baby was medically proven he was 100% healthy! After the scan, my doctor told me I needed the flu shot and TDaP. I told him I didn’t want the flu shot. But I didn’t know about TDaP. (Ignorance, I just thought the whole “flu shots are bad vaccines.”)

My doctor sat me down and assured me they were safe. His wife got her shots during pregnancy. He said it would “protect” my baby and that nothing bad could happen. I really liked my doctor, as I had previously been sexually assaulted, and he was absolutely amazing with trauma victims. He had excellent bed side manner and made cervical exams possible for me. He always respected my consent. He had been great the whole entire pregnancy. And I trusted him with my life. Ultimately, my son. So I did it and agreed to the TDaP. I refused the flu shot because I always got sick after and I only took the TDaP. I was never informed that studies haven’t ever been done, and wasn’t told or informed about the numerous reports of stillborns, miscarriages, and adverse reactions after vaccines during pregnancy. I just looked in my doctor’s eyes and trusted the blind fact that he knew best. It cost my baby life.

My baby was also soooo active. I felt him kick at 12 weeks! By medical standards, 28 days and greater is when fetal movement should multiple hourly; my baby started this routine at 23 weeks. This doctor’s appointment when I received the TDaP happened around 3 o’clock p.m. By midnight, I had some cramps and my baby wasn’t as active. I blew it off. The next day, Thursday afternoon, I saw some spotting. Recently I had intercourse and blew it off as an internal scratch. But at midnight I noticed I hadn’t felt my baby boy move but five times. So I went in to the emergency room (ER). They set me up with the monitors and declared his heartbeat was unsteady. His heartbeat dropped twice in 30 minutes. They gave me steroids and a shot to stop labor as on the monitor I was contracting two to three minutes apart. By Friday morning, they said they should induce me. Before the inducement happened, my baby’s heartbeat totally stopped.

Saturday, I delivered my baby, so perfect and precious – and stillborn. I left Monday morning with my arms empty. The doctors wrote it as a stillbirth due to unknown reasons. I started reaching out and found all the reports of stillborns after the TDaP vaccine. I called my doctor crying. I knew at that moment, the man I trusted so much, murdered my baby. I told him this — he told me he was sorry for my loss, but it was normal to try to find something to blame. He recommended a therapist. I never saw him again, but I did send him inserts highlighting that vaccines were never under any studies showing any safety, especially for pregnant women.

My little boy was named Elyot. I felt so desperate and depressed. I didn’t tell anyone what had happened. I lived in isolation, not responding to anyone about my loss or pregnancy. I knew in my heart I wanted a baby, and the emptiness I felt leaving the hospital wouldn’t go away. I could never replace my loss, but shortly after I had my Rainbow baby, who is also named Elyot, after his brother in his memory. My Rainbow Elyot is now 11 months old, and is vaccine-free, no Vitamin k, no pregnancy shots, and an intact whole healthy baby delivered at 41 weeks.

I witness all these moms getting these vaccines thinking they are safe, looking into their doctor’s eyes, just as I did, believing this murderous lie. I’ve saved a lot of babies by sharing this info, but I’ve failed some too. I think, we all have. But I hope my story can change the look we see in our medical professional’s eyes, and let us look inside our own. I should have 2 boys. I should have both of them here for me to sing and hug with.

Q&A with Tara:

Q: Did your doctor ever provide any informed consent, package inserts, or vaccine info sheets, any info about risks/dangers or just the benefits?

Tara: My doctor gave me a little pamphlet. It went over how dangerous whooping cough [pertussis]  is. How many children and adults die. And then it said it would pass immunity to my baby. No insert, no side effects, no ingredient’s list. He said my arm would be sore.

Q: What online or other resources or support did you seek out to find out what happened after the stillborn delivery?

Tara: I really didn’t reach out at all. Not until later. I started by reading the [vaccine] insert. I looked at how the Center for Disease Control (CDC) classifies the TDaP shot as a category C class drug and unsafe. I started to read a lot of stories, identical to mine. I reached out to a stillbirth loss support group, but it was all mainstream. Basically I was told I was just looking for something to blame.

Q: Did your doctor or anyone ever make the connection that the TDaP during pregnancy caused you to lose the baby? It’s crazy that they are still administering vaccines to those that are pregnant – since it has never been proven safe and hasn’t been tested during pregnancy.

Tara: A nurse, but I didn’t catch it at the time. Only when I thought about the conversation later on. She was going over basic questions. She asked me if I had received recent vaccines, three times. After a while, she said, they offer a few more vaccines after birth, but then worded her sentence like “but you probably don’t want that after this right?”

Q: Will your Rainbow baby, Elyot, be vaccinated?

Tara: No. Elyot is totally unvaccinated. No Vitamin k, intact, and a healthy little guy. The more I researched I realized that the theory of vaccines or “herd immunity” isn’t true. I looked at timelines introducing clean water, basic hygiene, etc versus the vaccines. It started to add up. We were all lied to. The ingredients were enough of a reason not to vaccinate. But there’s religious reasons too.

Q: What advice or recommendations do you have for parents, doctors, and others?

My advice for parents is to urge yourself to be informed in all situations. Know what they are doing, why they are doing it, what it is, what is inside of it, and the safety behind it. Doctors, it is hard to come to the understanding you were lied to. Overcome this mainstream “teaching” and reach out for the truth. Read a vaccine insert.

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  1. Any vaccine during pregnancy is not good. One Hmong mom who got a vaccine for work at a Clinic during pregnancy had an Autistic daughter. She was eating American food also and maybe didn’t breast feed which would have helped with stem cells compared to baby formula that maybe 1/2 sugar and GMO corn/GMO soy.

    Steroids may hurt the liver in addition to the vaccine. Inducing may include 4 drugs…one to thin the cervix…then pitocin to stimulate labor and then a spinal and then pain medicine and then the baby may get 2 vaccines which all may over load the liver and cause jaundice.

    Doctors may not be trained or have any education about vaccines except to promote them. Many doctors/chiropractors may not give their own kids vaccines since they know the dangers. Don’t trust others. Do your own research. Avoid chemicals/paint/medicine/drugs/vaccines/antibiotics/GMO/gluten and eat organic/get sunlight/get good oils like coconut flakes/lecithin and fish oil (not before labor since it can thin blood). Avoid deodorant/lotions/perm/hair dye etc. LDN can be taken when pregnant that helps with low amounts of gluten. Gluten/GMO may hurt intestines so less nutrients absorb for the mom/baby.

    Natural help saved my life. Progress is not more drugs/vaccines/chemicals etc., but as pure/natural as you can be when pregnant and always. Vaccines may hurt and not help. They give Th2 immunity which may not help.They may have bad ingredients and may cause swelling/inflammation and heavy metals may block chemical reactions. God bless!

  2. I am so sorry for your loss. Thank you for sharing so more will make better choices for pregnancy in spite of what we are all being told and pushed to do.

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Take my 12-part online course, The Vaccine Free Parenting MasterClass, to dive deep into the vaccine topic in a logical and sequential order. It's Free! ~ Larry Cook