The HPV Vaccine Nearly Killed My Daughter

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The HPV Vaccine Nearly Killed My Daughter

In 2015 my daughter’s health started going downhill fast. We couldn’t figure out what was going on. She was down to 81 lbs and actively dying. Her kidney’s were shutting down and it was affecting her heart.

She had a Pericardial Window. She gained to 100 lbs but her stomach was still hurting. They said it was “all in her head” and recommended a psychiatric evaluation which we politely declined and walked out, never to go back.

In 2016, I started her on supplements, her health began to improve. In 2017 I started taking her to an alternative doctor. There she was diagnosed as vaccine injured from EVERY vaccine she has had, one of those being Gardasil. She had two doses of Gardasil.

This alternative doctor also diagnosed her with heavy metal poisoning. She started their detox protocol and it induced a seizure in August 2018. We started seeing a different holistic practitioner virtually and now she is detoxing her brain with different protocol.

She has been on this protocol since January 2019 and she is healing beautifully! I almost have my daughter back! Praise God!

Is your child vaccine injured?

Check out our vaccine injury treatment starter guide.



  1. Sonjia Bradshaw

    Would you please pm me the name of your holistic practitioner ty!
    deep_magic_2000 at

  2. So glad she has a good mother who is doing all she can for her daughter. God bless you and your daughter. So sorry for all she went through though.
    What a lovely face she has!

  3. Denise McWilliams

    Would you please pm me the name of your holistic practitioner ty!

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Take my 12-part online course, The Vaccine Free Parenting MasterClass, to dive deep into the vaccine topic in a logical and sequential order. It's Free! ~ Larry Cook