The MMR Vaccine Destroyed Our Once Healthy Grandchildren

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The MMR Vaccine Destroyed Our Once Healthy Grandchildren


My adopted daughter had healthy twin boys who were developing well, hitting their milestones…normal happy boys.

Then they had their MMR vaccines. A bit grouchy afterwards, but at first nobody thought much of it. Sometimes I’m a bit uncomfortable straight after my acupuncture, so we all assumed it was the same thing. Until it got worse.

Their behavior switched from good to awful; the ‘terrible twos’ they avoided at 2 appeared from nowhere at 3.

Refusing to eat, refusing to talk, refusing to do as they were told, refusing to bath, refusing to use the toilet.

After 2 months, the boys were taken to the doctor. Told there was nothing wrong-without even being examined. Started pre-school, got expelled within a week. Enrolled in another pre-school, and another, and another…they were kicked out of them all.

Started school last September. First day was a Monday, last day was the Tuesday of the same week.

Back to the doctors; told they ‘might be autistic’. Been back since (feels like they’ve been a million times). Nothing more than what we were told the first time…they might be autistic.

Their mama is now trying to homeschool them, so she’s lost her career and the family income has plummeted.

The only thing that happened to the twins was the MMR. There’s nothing else that could have possibly caused their ‘might-be-autism’ literally overnight.

Until the twins, I never thought there was any truth in the claims that vaccines were damaging, now I know better.

I wish I’d realized BEFORE.

Do you have a vaccine injured child? Check out our vaccine injury resource guide right here.



  1. Fake story and stolen photo. Disgusting. The av make themselves lol bad by doing dishonest things like this. Larry is a crook.

  2. I am a Massachusetts resident and learned of a bill proposed by Rep. Andy Vargas to end the religious exemption. The justification is to protect immune suppressed children from measles. It sees to me immune suppressed children could be vulnerable to 100 things as deadly as the measles to them. It is unnerving that politicians who know nothing whatsoever about this topic and even worse are brainwashed and coerced to tout the AMA line are in charge of a decision to force vaccines on an unwilling base of citizens. So rather than look at the source of the problem and side with protecting children they march toward tyranny. The current schedule is 72 vaccines by age 5. I can tell you a tiny baby and child cannot handle the physical assault. My sister worked for and eventually became acting director of a school for Autism in Massachusetts in the 90s. I saw and heard a lot. My own sons have been affected and the doctors deny the obvious and say the oozing face and foaming at the mouth and three day hospitalization following vaccines was just a coincidence… I know differently. They are related.

    In the last few weeks it seems like every Massachusetts pediatric practice has doubled down on vaccine enforcement. I called several because we have a new grandchild. They won’t see your newborn if you don’t submit to full vaccine schedule. Even osteopaths that were generally less insistent have in most cases fallen into rank. Scary!. The timing seems to be a coordinated APB effort support the removal of the religious exemption. So, the doctors are taking a political and wallet lining stance. Do no harm has been superceded by leave no money on the table. I don’t believe there is a single pediatric practice in the country that could survive without the revenue from the vaccines and the myriad of visits they create the need for. This is an extreme conflict of interest. Our children will pay the price in a life of poor health or worse. We are witnessing families being torn apart and financially ruined by Autism Spectrum disorders that doctors deny exist.


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