Pediatrician Denies Connection After Infant Dies From 2-Month Vaccines

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Pediatrician Denies Connection After Infant Dies From 2-Month Vaccines

Personal Story by Kelly Thompson

My biggest fear while I was pregnant was SIDS. Despite that, Ryann was born a vibrant and healthy baby girl. I asked my pediatrician about SIDS and vaccines. He told me that I wouldn’t want my baby to die from a preventable disease. I ended up vaccinating her out of fear. My fear of losing her never went away.

After she received her 2-month vaccines (at 2 ½ months old) the SIDS crib monitor that we got for her went off twice in the first week. I thought it was malfunctioning after having the worst anxiety attacks of my life. So, I removed the monitor.

A few days later, I woke up to her cold, lifeless body.

I know now that the SIDS monitor caught her. Twice. And picking her up brought her back. The day she died was the worst day of my life. I was treated like a criminal and hardly allowed 5 minutes to say goodbye forever. I wouldn’t wish any of it on anyone.

A few days later, I went back to the pediatrician (who at the time doubled as my physician) and specifically asked him if vaccines could have been to blame for her death. He flicked his wrist at me and scoffed like I was asking a stupid, ridiculous question saying that there was no way.

Maybe he didn’t know about MTHFR or even what every single vaccine ingredient was… but surely you would think that he had read the vaccine insert and understood the potential side effects. It clearly states SIDS as one of many.

I was never given true informed consent. Nobody was honest with me even when I asked point blank.

Research like your child’s life depends on it. Because it does.

Click Here for more vaccine death stories.

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Take my 12-part online course, The Vaccine Free Parenting MasterClass, to dive deep into the vaccine topic in a logical and sequential order. It's Free! ~ Larry Cook